Shipping & Delivery

what are the shipping and delivery charges?

Shipping and delivery : Incur relatively higher shipping costs on low value items. In such cases, charging a nominal delivery charge helps them offset logistics costs. Please check your order summary to know the delivery charges for individual products.

For Products listed as F-Assured a Rs 60 charge for delivery per item.

Why does the delivery date not correspond to the delivery ?

It is possible that the delivery courier partners have a vacation between the day your placed your order and therefore the date of delivery, which is predicated on the timelines shown on the merchandise page. during this case, we add each day to the estimated date. Some courier partners don’t work on Sundays and this is often factored in to the delivery dates.

What is the estimated delivery time with shipping and delivery charges

Generally we procure and ship the things within the time specified on the merchandise page. Business days exclude public holidays and Sundays.

Estimated delivery time depends on the subsequent factors:

We offering the merchandise availability

The destination to which you would like the order shipped to and site

Are there any hidden costs (sales tax, octroi etc) on items?

There ar not any hidden charges once you make a purchase on Dreamvazaar . List prices are final and all-inclusive.the worth you see on the merchandise page is strictly what you’d pay.

Delivery charges aren’t hidden charges and are charged (if at all) extra depending shipping policy.

Why is the CoD option not offered in my location?

Availability of COD depends on the flexibility of our courier partner servicing your location to just accept cash as payment at the time of delivery.

Our courier partners have limits on the cash amount payable on delivery looking on the destination and your order value might need exceeded this limit. Please enter your pin code on the merchandise page to examine if COD is obtainable in your location.

Permanently Discontinued

This product is not any longer available because it’s obsolete and/or its production has been discontinued.

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